Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (21 May 1921 – 21 October 1990), also known by his spiritual name, Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti (Ánanda Múrti="Bliss Embodiment"), and known as Bábá ("Father") to his disciples, was an Indian Spiritual Guru ( Taraka Brahma ), Neohumanist, universalist, philosopher , yogi, author, social revolutionary, poet, composer, linguist, educationist, economist, polyglot, scientist, agronomist, archaeologist, historian, ornithologist, anthropologist and environmentalist. Sarkar was the founder of Ananda Marga ( the Path of Bliss ) in 1955, a spiritual and social organisation that offers instruction in meditation and yoga . Gyani Zail Singh , seventh President of India , has said about Sarkar: "Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar was one of the greatest modern philosophers of India." Sarkar's system of spiritual practice has been described as a practical synthesis of Vedic and Tantric phi...